Sunday, February 14, 2010

Closing the gates.. as the night fades...

And yes . you wakeup, so cheerful and happy,
And no you don't wanna do it.. feel sad and crappy..
Yeah there you are.. you'r blessed with beauty..
No .. you don't have it ..nything but sanity...

Thou wakes up among those thousands love messages..
and you so lonely.. checking out but trashes...
You are singing a beautiful thoughts dashes..
you crying soul.. ur each desire crashes..

Oh you are ready ..all fresh.. smelling roses...
Wake up right now.. no more time passes...
Royally dressed up in those beautiful panache..
You beggared little.. your trunk full of ashes..

Its our day.. the V-day... come chirp love-birds..
lets make a We-day friends..and forget all absurds...!!

(To be continued... some day.. some time...)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Karate ne rei!!

Yeah, I know I am disturbing the chronological order but I can't wait to write about my first karate class. In the morning when I went for the demo class I could see a number of students wearing the (GI) karate dress, adorned in green, blue and orange belts. My first impression was.. okay that's not tough.. and yeah these guys are not balancing them properly .. blah .. blah.. I sat there for about two hours cause it is just so great to follow up something you are passionate. So I decided that everything seems good enough to join.

In the evening I was there at my Dojo ( school/temple of learning). One of my Sempai (senior.. the spelling is bound to be wrong as I don't know the least bit of Chinese/Japanese, gave me the first heads which included greetings and basic warmup exercises. I started having a feel of the thing, as all my body parts got twisted at all angles. I tried hard to remember the words and moves(the most trivial ones.. yeah..but still moves) and my warmup was over and I was to join others in the practise arena. As I stumbled in, I started following others in which one was to jump and sit from one leg to the other. After ten counts I was done for the day..but guess what this was just the beginning. This was followed by number of punches and kicks in one of the most awkward postures. I tried my level best to get at least to 20% of the black belt who was doing it near perfect just in front of me. That guy was just so very flexible and fast, though my first impression because of his looks were that he is so weak. And woops.. he was the swiftest in the race in which one has to carry another fellow on his back and run two rounds. Looks can definitely be deceiving. But yes I got assured that if I follow it strictly one day it will help if I need to run away with someone ;). Anyway my fighting spirit won't let me down, so I kept on with others , at times my (Sensei) instructor felt that I was dancing :P (he already knows the secret). With the series of warm-down exercises we were finally allowed to leave. I am feeling quite tired, my thighs are sore; I don't what time I will wake up tomorrow.. but come baby I am ready. I will be there again.....

Since now I am a Karateka.!! the count begins:.. ICHI,NI ,SAN,SHI,GO,ROKU,NANA,HACHI,KO,JU... ............YOI