Sunday, September 13, 2009

Importance of the finish...!!

Each one of us have heard the numerous tales about how important the first step is.. that no matter how great the journey is it always starts with the first step... what i realized recently was how equally important was the last step, the finishing move...
We are surrounded by abundance of opportunities and directions. Each second we have a choice to make. Amongst this what becomes important in the long run is, no matter what path we took.. what choice we made... , but how long we adhered to it... did we reach that final milestone .. on which its carved .. yeah you were good.. !
In the cluttered mind of our generation.. with the tides of thoughts rocking your existence (i sometimes wonder how rock music got its name....) the importance of generating a serene ambience in which you plan out your path.. your goal is quintessential and like a sculpturer carve out your motivations ,your dreams into a beautiful chain..
An right if you started a thing.. and didnt master it.. (or to the least become good enough) you wasted your entity that countless times.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Well i guess this is one of the most frustrating times in my life.Each things i do ,each time i enjoy there is something going behind my mind.Usually i like to keep my options open and this time i was too careless , not to say that the situation is that grim or that i don't have any options left.I just wished to enjoy ,have fun like a free bird and O yes i did in my 7th semester.I did all that entertained my mind,that i always wished and gave my jovial times preference over my studious and responsible attitude.I started gymming regularly ,had my first guitar classes, went wooing after a girl who absolutely charmed me and then had a blast in my sister's marriage.BUT in the process i gave the CAT exams ( I always wished to excel in this exam) for fun n "experience" ,I didn't do any good projects seriously enough and even my thirst for more knowledge was partially undercover.And now i realy find it difficult to balance and weigh one over the other and yeah this placement session made me believe in luck as a big factor for the first time.I always believed it but it was always 90% your hard word and 10% your luck but i guess that this perception got greatly challenged.
Its so frustrating .Why did this thing had to happen in our year.I mean the recession and all.I just pray that my confidence and composition takes me through these troubled times which may even get worse or i pray may improve as soon.I promise myself again that i will always secure myself and never leave myself vulnerable.I m not sure why i wrote this post,but i just wish that i read this again when i am out of this dilemma and i can smile on this....

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

College Days(Classless scenario of a class)

Sat grounded in such boring class,
Warned again 'don't be so smart'.
Crouching on the last bench I escape his eyes,
And trying to bang my memories alive.
Distributed Systems so interestingly I dreamt,
My teachers melodies sends me back to them.
From those short, dreamy naps I often delved,
O words of prose, I command your help.

I swing around to see all faces,
Thoughts of each,I capture in traces.
Sonu n Kapil n Vinisha in dire attention,
Their notes so popular not to mention.
First benchers are all girls with empty visages,
Question n exclamations embodied in their places.
Just saw my angel through the classroom door,
Now it's trouble putting my thoughts to core.

Pratibha and Dolly,the famous twins,
Frollicking with hair and embracing their chins.
Shivam,Mr. Cricketer, busy playing his pranks,
Whispering and giggling with Prakhar,the champ.
APS,the gymmer besides me is seated,
Patting his hands,flexing muscles all heated...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's just the begining...

My first words of the blog shud convey my intentions,which i guess is the norm... As my title suggests that it's just a begining i feel all the more reason to explain why i didn't blog earlier..its because my mind blows like a wind.. i can't adhere to one genre of thoughts.. and the swings in my emotions make each of them incongruent to others...
It's just the begining of the LIFE,the responsibilities, the authorities, the pressure and the game...and of blogging as well..which i aim to continue wid dis journey...