Sunday, September 13, 2009

Importance of the finish...!!

Each one of us have heard the numerous tales about how important the first step is.. that no matter how great the journey is it always starts with the first step... what i realized recently was how equally important was the last step, the finishing move...
We are surrounded by abundance of opportunities and directions. Each second we have a choice to make. Amongst this what becomes important in the long run is, no matter what path we took.. what choice we made... , but how long we adhered to it... did we reach that final milestone .. on which its carved .. yeah you were good.. !
In the cluttered mind of our generation.. with the tides of thoughts rocking your existence (i sometimes wonder how rock music got its name....) the importance of generating a serene ambience in which you plan out your path.. your goal is quintessential and like a sculpturer carve out your motivations ,your dreams into a beautiful chain..
An right if you started a thing.. and didnt master it.. (or to the least become good enough) you wasted your entity that countless times.

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